Crushing Fist Update

So first off thanks to everyone involved with National Game Design Month for the encouragement and support helping make the legend of Crushing fist happen. It was a great fun working on the project over the month of November and I hope you all had fun too.

I was overly ambitious as to what was possible in a month, mechanics got rushed, polish was somewhat  bare bones and there were some quality of life features that I passed over  to complete the project. It is what it is. 

However having taken a bit of time off, I decided to get this project into the shape to be as enjoyable as it can be. The main area I will be working on is the combat system overall, main aim is to make the game a challenging but rewarding experience. 

UI - Options menu with options.  - pause menu - move lists - improvements to the Ending

Mechanical improvements - AI improved they have some respect.  Attack Damage varies with specials doing more damage - getting up off the ground is not automatic , its now done with the Punch and Kick keys. 

Future updates

Low Kicks
Improved Audio

Have fun.


Legend_of_Crushing_fist 99 MB
Dec 16, 2022

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